CSE272: Advanced Image Synthesis
Spring 2013
One of the topics in this class is investigating different
global illumination algorithms.
In the class we will discuss advanced computer graphics techniques
for realistic image synthesis. This includes techniques for simulating
global illumination, participating media, and material models including
BRDF and BSSRDF models. In this class we will discuss many natural
phenomena such as the blue sky, the appearance of human skin, clouds,
and milk. The goal is to understand how different computer graphics
algorithms can be used to simulate these phenomena.
Henrik Wann Jensen
Optional books
Andrew Glassner, "Principles of Digital Image Synthesis",
Morgan-Kaufman, 1995.
Free PDF Version of this book.
Henrik Wann Jensen, "Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping",
AK Peters, 2001
Pharr and Humphreys, "Physically Based Rendering",
Morgan-Kaufman 2004
Dutre, Bala, and Baekert, "Advanced Global Illumination",
AK Peters, 2006
Tuesday/Thursday, 11:00am - 11:50am in CSE 4140
One or two computer graphics classes. The student should have a
thorough understanding of ray tracing as well as a basic understanding
of the concept of shading.
The class projects will be in C++ - this will not be taught in the class.
The class will be graded based on various assignments (65%),
a midterm (20%), and a class lecture (15%).
The assignments can only be downloaded from a .ucsd.edu domain.
April 2 [slides ]
- Welcome, Course Setup, Light Physics, Radiometry and Photometry
- Reading:
- Glassner, Chapter 13 (optional)
April 4 [slides ]
- Light and Matter
- Reading:
April 9 [slides ]
- Light Surface Interaction
April 11 [slides ]
- Global Illumination and Monte Carlo Ray Tracing
- Reading:
- Optional Reading:
April 16 [slides ]
- Photon Mapping
- Reading:
- Optional Reading:
- Jensen, "Realistic Image Synthesis using Photon Mapping", Chapters 4-9
April 18 [slides ]
- Progressive Photon Mapping
- Reading:
April 23 [slides ]
- Multiple Importance Sampling
- Reading:
April 25
- BRDF Models [slides ]
- Reading:
- Optional:
April 30 - May 2 [slides ]
- Microfacet Theory
- Reading:
- Optional:
May 7
- Analytical Irradiance and Assignment 2 [slides ]
May 9-14 [slides ]
- Participating Media (Radiative transport, phase functions, analytic models,
single scattering)
- Reading:
- Optional Reading:
May 16-21 [slides ]
- Participating Media (Multiple scattering, ray marching, random walks,
photon mapping)
- Reading:
- Jensen, "Realistic Image Synthesis using Photon Mapping", Chapters 10
May 23-28 [slides ]
- Subsurface Scattering (BSSRDF models)
- Reading:
May 30
- Introduction to OpenCL
[slides ]
June 4
June 6
Last update: June 3rd, 2013