CSE272: Advanced Image Synthesis
Fall 2007

Some inspiration for the types of appearance we will discuss in class (clouds, plants, milk, halos, skin, atmosphere/smoke):


In the class we will discuss advanced computer graphics techniques for modeling the appearance of the natural world. The class will cover topics such as the physics of light, light transport algorithms, global illumination, BRDF models, participating media, subsurface scattering, BSSRDF models, texture synthesis, and CFD techniques (optional).

After the class the students will be able to discuss and understand many natural phenomena such as: the blue sky, the appearance of wet materials, the appearance of human skin.


Henrik Wann Jensen
Office hours: Thursday 2-3pm

Recommended books

Andrew Glassner, "Principles of Digital Image Synthesis", Morgan-Kaufman, 1995


Henrik Wann Jensen, "Realistic Image Synthesis Using Photon Mapping", AK Peters, 2001


Tuesday/Thursday, 3:30pm - 4:50pm in CSE 4109


One or two computer graphics classes. The student should have a thorough understanding of ray tracing as well as a basic understanding of the concept of shading.

The class projects will be in C++ - this will not be taught in the class.


The class will be graded based on various assignments (35%), a midterm (20%), and a final project (45%).

Final Report

Should be in the format of a paper 6-10 pages using the style for ACM SIGGRAPH papers.

Useful links


The assignments can only be downloaded from a .ucsd.edu domain.


September 27 [slides ] October 2 [slides ] October 4 October 9 [slides ] October 11 [iridescence slides ] October 16 [slides ] October 18 [slides ] November 1 - Assignment 1 due at 11:59pm

October 30, November 1 [slides ] November 6, 8 [slides ] November 13 [slides ]
November 15 [slides ] November 20 [slides ]
November 22 (Thanksgiving)

November 27 November 29
December 4 [slides ]
December 6
Last update: November 28, 2007